How to Implement Email Retention Policy in the Workplace – Part II

The right email archiving processes provide a dynamic capacity to grow and change as needs evolve, offer excellent scope for advanced and dependable email retention, and do it all without placing an undue burden on storage resources.
Read “How to Implement Email Retention Policy in the Workplace Part 1”
Strong email archiving processes start with the following:
1. Understanding regulatory requirements in the state
As a business owner you need to know and understand if you are compliant with the email retention requirements of the state in which you are located. Remain informed on changes to state policies, both in general and with respect to your particular industry, and become an early-adopter of any new regulations.
2. Review internal email retention policy
Realign your current email retention policy with the changes/updates in place in the state and with your own internal needs. Avoid storing data that is of no relevance or is not accessible to anybody else but you, ensuring transparency.
3. Review the Tools currently in use for Email Retention
The email archiving tools that you use, especially all hardware and software, need to be reviewed to ensure that they are adequate to handle increase in email traffic in the coming year. Ensure the tool can scale to meet all expectations.
4. Disaster Management policy
Review your Disaster management policy and upgrade to latest technology solutions for longevity and easier maintenance. Ensure the recovery strategy is well established and that your IT personnel are well trained in ensuring safe recovery. A considered, comprehensive back-up plan is critical to your disaster management policy.
5. Disciplined auditing processes
A strict auditing process ensures that all other components of your email retention stay in compliance and continue to function effectively. Ideally, your team should audit once every 3 months to ensure you are on top of email retention processes at all times of the year.
Comprehensive Guide to Email Retention Policy