FRCP and Email Archiving: The Impact to Your Business

What file cabinets were to a business office years ago, email is today. Email has become a means of storing important documents, proposals, contracts and company correspondence. This new role of email brings with it the need for preserving electronic documents securely and following government regulations set in 2006 with new amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP). The FRCP governs the collection of electronically stored documents, including email as evidence in civil suits. In other words, all businesses must retain a data retention policy for all relevant emails, electronically stored information (ESI), network logs and other virtually stored documents. What does FRCP and Email Archiving mean for your business?
Recovering Email for FRCP Requests
Without an email archiving system in place, it is practically impossible to produce requested emails according to FRCP regulations, which require e-documents to be easily accessed and produced quickly. If your company cannot present the documents when requested by FRCP rules, you can face litigation charges, risk court fines and legal findings that rule against your business.
Email Archiving Eliminates the Risk of FRCP Non-Compliance
An effective email archiving system eliminates the risk of litigation if your company needs to produce email documents for a civil suit. Implementing email archiving allows you quickly retain any data that is stored in the system, meeting all FRCP legal requirements. Your business can avoid costly legal fees, as well as employee time when asked to sift through thousands of electronic documents for the court.
Many companies implement tape backup systems that are unreliable and often corrupt data. An email archiving system has indexing capabilities that tape backup does not and search capabilities, as well.
Five Benefits of Email Archiving Systems
- FRCP compliance – Email archiving retains documents for the time periods regulated by government regulations.
- Search through emails and attachments instantly to find relevant e-documents. Eliminate the cost of E-Discovery with the ability to search email in seconds.
- Manage email storage by eliminating duplicates, optimizing the performance of your email system.
- Organize key documents and data, as well as restoring lost documents.
- Restore emails from lost data from disasters.
Contact us at Intradyn and we can help you implement a reliable email archiving system that meets FRCP regulations and keeps your e-documents secure and readily available.