Email Archiving: An Open Letter to Muscatine County, Iowa

  • Email Archiving

    An Open Letter to Muscatine CountyHere we’ve composed an Open Letter to Muscatine County, IA. Read on to see just what this can mean for your email archiving solutions.

    The government in Muscatine County, Iowa previously seemed to have no need for email archiving. The county’s new policy allows Muscatine employees to delete their emails as soon as they send them if that is what they desire.

    For instance, if an employee sends an inappropriate or just inaccurate email to a taxpayer or to anyone else, they can choose to delete it and it is forever erased from documented history. However the potential consequences are not.

    Another thing that seems sketchy about this idea is that when you do the right thing and have proof in an email, why would you delete it? How can you stand against someone who denies you did that thing correctly if you incinerate the only piece of proof you have? You can attempt to make a stand based on your reputation and perceived integrity, but you will likely lose the battle, especially in a court of law and even more so if a third party claims to have seen or worse yet has a copy.

    It isn’t a law that Iowa archive its emails, but in recent times, it has become evident just how important these simple words on a screen can be. For some they can mean will they keep their job or not, how much money they will make or lose, and even will they are guilty or innocent.

    This article found on the Des Moines Register site says, “Monroe, who is also Gov. Terry Branstad’s transparency adviser, compared today’s emails to file cabinets of 30 years ago. Would local governments instruct employees to simply throw away anything they want from government file cabinets? No, he answered to his own question. The same should be true of email, he said.

    “‘I’m not going to try to second-guess what their motives are, but it begs the question: “What do you have to hide?”‘ Monroe asked. ‘Why would you destroy a public document? Why would you not save it for further inspection down the road?'”

    Muscatine County is now looking for a great, high quality archiving solution for a low price. That’s where we come along. We at Intradyn are devoted to serving you better in all your email archiving needs as well providing you the service at an affordable price. As a matter of fact, if you contact us, we will provide our solution to you for one year free! Get started today. Thank you, we’d be glad to hear from you!

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    Azam is the president, chief technology officer and co-founder of Intradyn. He oversees global sales and marketing, new business development and is responsible for leading all aspects of the company’s product vision and technology department.

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