Advantages of Email Archiving Appliance for Your Business

  • eDiscovery
  • Email Archiving
  • Advantages of Email Archiving Appliance for Your Business

    Does your company use an email archiving appliance? Has your company been discussing it, but you need a little more information to give you that shove in the right direction? This is the time to make sure that you get one because of the many ways it can help your business. If you don’t have an email archiving appliance, now is the time to upgrade.

    One of the advantages of an email archiving appliance is that it provides E-discovery in case of a lawsuit. A simple search can lead to immediate recovery of emails that in turn can be shown during legal proceedings. So, with this software, saving and recovering email becomes a simple matter. Here are a few other advantages you’d get by using email archiving appliance software:

    Save an Unlimited Number of Emails

    An email archiving appliance can help archive digital emails received from multiple domain names. A company with an email archiving appliance will find it very easy to store an infinite variety of emails every day.

    Eliminate Junk Emails

    An email archiving appliance will allow you to eliminate junk emails that are insignificant and unwanted for your company. The software promptly stops junk emails from getting into your inbox, so you won’t have to worry about going through a ton of email every day just to weed out the junk mail. This software allows you to quickly get to the email that is important and needs to be seen by your company.

    Reduce the Price You are Currently Paying

    Your company can reduce IT cost through using email archiving appliance. All the emails will be saved in a centralized database where they can be obtained by users anytime. Furthermore, various departments don’t need to spend a bundle attempting to handle servers that are overloaded, back-up system and increasing storage price.

    For more information on email archiving appliance, please contact us!

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    Azam is the president, chief technology officer and co-founder of Intradyn. He oversees global sales and marketing, new business development and is responsible for leading all aspects of the company’s product vision and technology department.

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