Frequently Asked Questions

Initial Setup / How do I configure my email settings?

How do I configure my email settings?

To configure email settings in Orca, go to Configuration > Email Settings. Follow the steps below to configure these settings before the appliance fetches any emails.













The Default Charset setting is what the Orca indexing engine will use if it cannot determine the character set of an email part. The following Charsets are available:

  • UTF-8 (default and recommended)
  • Western European (ISO-8859-1)
  • Chinese Traditional (Big5)
  • Chinese Simplified (GB2312)
  • Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)
  • Korean (EUC-KR)
  • Thai (TIS-620)

The Email Storage Scheme determines what parts of the emails fetched by the appliance will be stored, parsed, indexed, and backed up. This setting has two options: “Full Email” and “Email Headers Only”.  These settings will affect all emails stored on the Orca – including those fetched through IMAP or POP, sent through SMTP, or restored from a backup.

Note: The Email Storage Scheme cannot be changed once the system has received email.

  • Full Email: The Orca will store the entire email with no exceptions if “Full Email” is selected.
  • Email Header Only: However, if “Email Headers Only” is selected, all body and attachment content will be skipped when writing the email to disk. No body or attachment information (including attachment names) will be visible or searchable through the appliance.

Select Default Charset and Email Storage Scheme and click Save.


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