How To Choose The Best Text Message Archiving Solution

Implement a BYOD or CYOD policy while maintaining compliance — our eBook will steer you in the right direction.

An ebook just for you

In today’s work-from-anywhere world, mobile communications — text and SMS messages, in particular — are the key to maintaining connectivity and supporting productivity. But as Bring Your Own Device, Choose Your Own Device and other mobile device policies become more commonplace, organizations need to consider (and plan for) the potential ramifications of exchanging text and SMS-based business communications.

At this moment in time, one of the smartest things organizations can do to protect company, customer and employee privacy and ward against legal and regulatory risk is to invest in a comprehensive archiving platform. Our eBook, How to Choose the Best Text Message Archiving Solution: 13 Key Questions to Ask Before You Invest, will help you do exactly that.

By reading this eBook, you’ll learn:

  • What’s driving the need for text and SMS archiving
  • Key data retention regulations and requirements for your industry
  • The 13 questions to ask when evaluating text message archiving solutions
  • And more

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