Free Whitepaper: Public Cloud vs. Intradyn Appliances

Understanding the difference between public cloud-based email archiving and the archiving appliance solutions available from Intradyn.

An ebook just for you

You have many choices when it comes to email archiving solutions. Not all of them feature the same capabilities, however. The two most popular options for email archiving include public cloud-based or in-house cloud technology. This white paper can help you make an informed decision on which email archiving solution will work best for you.

What you’ll learn in this white paper:

  1. Why email archiving?
  2. What is public cloud email archiving? How does it work? What does it cost?
  3. What is in-house archiving?
  4. What does Intradyn offer for appliance-based archiving?
  5. Who is affected by email compliance rules?

Get the Whitepaper: Public Cloud vs. Intradyn

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