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Email & Social Media Archiving Solutions Free for 60 Days

Now more than ever, businesses, organizations and government agencies must ensure that they are handling data and communication the right way. With more people working from home utilizing disparate channels for official correspondence, it could be very easy for valuable information to slip through the cracks and difficult to find. For example:

  • Local Government – With new procedural updates and notifications constantly being communicated via email and social media, and with inquiries coming from concerned citizens, all this additional digital communication needs to be handled and preserved according to regulations.
  • Businesses – With the majority of employees now working remotely and all communication taking place electronically across various devices and platforms, it is not as easy to see exactly how or if work is being completed. It has always been important for businesses to keep accurate and secure records, but now more than ever managers need an easy way to see how business is being conducted.
  • School Districts – Students, teachers, parents and other staff are communicating virtually, and teaching is being done remotely. With all of this additional information now being shared electronically, you need to make sure you are preserving an accurate record of what it is being communicated and how it is being responded to.

Quickly and easily secure all communications that take place via social media and email. A single-source archiving system will make tracking down every piece of data you need a seamless and efficient process.

To learn more about our free offer or our archiving solutions, please fill out this form. Together, we will get through this.


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